Black animals and superstitions, the dark relationship that is going viral these days

These animals are at risk during times like Halloween, where many people use them for rituals and sacrifices (Illustrative Image Infobae)
These animals are at risk during times like Halloween, where many people use them for rituals and sacrifices (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Throughout history, the black fur animals They have been surrounded by myths and superstitions that have influenced the public perception of these creatures. From cats that bring bad luck to crows that are associated with dark omens, popular culture has tinged these animals with mystery.

Myths surrounding black animals have been spread through stories and beliefs that people have been sharing over time. These stories often present these animals in a negative or mysterious way, creating the wrong image about them.

However, it is crucial to unravel these false beliefs, since, unfortunately, many of these creatures are tortured and sacrificed under superstitious or ritual justifications, revealing the need for greater understanding and respect for the biodiversity they represent.

Black cats have a lower adoption rate than their siblings of other colors (Illustrative Image Infobae)
Black cats have a lower adoption rate than their siblings of other colors (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The black cats have been represented in children’s stories such as loyal companions of witches, an image that has taken root in popular culture and that has contributed to the idea that they bring bad luck or are linked to the supernatural, according to the organization Anima naturalis, dedicated to the defense of animals in Spain and Latin America.

This symbolism has led to the fact that, especially during the month of October and with the arrival of festivities such as Halloween, these felines are sought after. rituals or practices that feed these superstitions even more.

For this reason, many animal protection organizations and shelters advise do not give up black cats for adoption during October. This measure seeks to protect these animals from the risk of being used in ritual practices, guaranteeing their well-being and safety until the peak of said season passes.

Furthermore, the color black does not favor cats when it comes to being adopted, according to the Affinity foundation, dedicated to “spreading the benefits of the bond between people, cats and dogs.”

“Black and brown cats are adopted less than those with lighter coats, whether white, point or gray… And even if they are finally adopted, they usually stay longer in the shelter before someone chooses them, even when they are kittens,” he mentions. the page.

These butterflies are associated with death (Illustrative Image Infobae)
These butterflies are associated with death (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Also known as “old mice,” these butterflies have been associated with death and misfortunewhich has materialized in the death of many of them, according to National Geographic.

“In Mesoamerican beliefs it was associated with death and bad omen In Nahuatl their names were mictlanpapalotl (butterfly from the country of the dead), micpapalotl (butterfly of death), miquipapalotl (butterfly of bad luck) or tetzahupapalotl (butterfly of fear),” the site mentions.

In English it is known as black witch (black witch) and its scientific name, Ascalapha odorata, comes from the demon Ascaphalus, the horticulturist of Hades, king of the underworld in Greek mythology.

Although many consider it not a pleasant species to see, the pre-Hispanic Zapotecs of Oaxaca admired its metamorphosis capacity and they captured it in their art to represent the eternal spiritual essence when dying, according to the Gazette of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Black chickens are used for protection rituals (Grosby)
Black chickens are used for protection rituals (Grosby)

Black chickens are considered valuable in healing rituals and protection ceremonies, for its supposed ability to absorb and transfer evil, according to the article Knowledge of the chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) among the Tseltals and Tsotsiles of the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexicopublished by the Etnobiología magazine of the Mexican Ethnobiological Association.

These chickens, known as ik al alak oi kal mut, are used in rituals linked to evilboth to avoid it and to cure problems caused by it, or even to practice witchcraft. According to interviews conducted in Chamula, they are used to cure diseases attributed to black witchcraft, as well as to do evil.

They are also used to treat evil eye and clean where they are offered to cure illnesses, as it is believed that they absorb the evil from the person.

Black goats are commonly associated with the devil (Illustrative Image Infobae)
Black goats are commonly associated with the devil (Illustrative Image Infobae)

These animals have been related to the devil and evil characteristics are attributed to them, according to the book Cabras. Pastoreña from La Mixteca and Creole from Chihuahua, published by the “Benito Juárez” Autonomous University of Oaxaca. This association comes from the Middle Ages, where goats, particularly billy goats, were symbols of lust and fertility.

“In the West, the color black represents mourning, death and darkness, which is why it is associated with witchcraft; If we add to this an animal demonized in the Middle Ages, it is not surprising that the demon was identified with a black goat,” the publication mentions.

The image of evil associated with a goat It comes from the cultural influence brought to America from Spain, mainly through the Catholic religion. During the Middle Ages, this religion prohibited the practice of other beliefs, considering them pagan and contrary to its teachings. For represent the devil In a graphic way, the figure of the goat was used, which symbolized the forbidden and evil.

In Mexico it is associated with the devil, a significant example is the legend in the Oaxacan Mixteca, where the figure of the devil is known as “Catrín” and is described with elegant black outfits, but with subtle goat-like features.

In this legend, whoever performs a pact with the devil He receives a flock of black goats, symbolizing the wealth obtained through supernatural influences, but at a high cost: the eternal slavery of the soul of the covenanter, who after his death takes care of the devil’s flock.

It is believed that crows are bearers of bad news or a symbol of betrayal (Illustrative Image Infobae)
It is believed that crows are bearers of bad news or a symbol of betrayal (Illustrative Image Infobae)

In medieval literature, the raven is a figure with a very strong symbolic load, often representing the betrayal, bad omen or deathaccording to the article The crow and its symbology published in the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library.

In medieval epics, the appearance of a crow flying in front of a character, especially from the left side (considered a bad omen), was a sign that something bad was going to happen. The crow was seen as bearer of bad news or symbol of betrayal and in medieval and Spanish fables this bird appears as a deceiver, cunning and opportunistic.

Before Christianity, European pagan cultures already had myths related to ravens. In Greek mythology, for example, stories are told of heroes transformed into ravens as punishment for their behavior, and it was believed that ravens had the ability to communicate omens, good or bad, which reinforced their symbolism as birds that brought messages from the world. destination.

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