The new Andalusian Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2024-2028 approved – News

The Government Council has today approved an agreement approving the new Andalusian Occupational Health and Safety Strategy 2024-2028, the main planning tool of the Government of Andalusia in the development of its occupational risk prevention policies, which It will address, among other matters, new emerging risks through the application of a strategic objective, seven general objectives, 20 axes and 61 lines of action.

This document, which has seven chapters and 102 pages, has been prepared by the Ministry of Employment, Business and Self-Employment with the participation of the Andalusian Institute for Occupational Risk Prevention, and agreed upon within the Andalusian Council for Occupational Risk Prevention , the highest body of participation in matters of safety and health at work in Andalusia that includes the main economic and social agents.

Likewise, it has also had the participation of the Territorial Directorate of the Labor and Social Security Inspection in Andalusia, as well as all the ministries of the Administration of the Junta de Andalucía and the organizations and areas of the Andalusian administration with interest in the matter, to enable its analysis and the contribution of those observations that have been deemed appropriate. Likewise, it has passed its mandatory public information period and the rest of the necessary procedures before its final approval.

This planning tool also provides continuity to the Andalusian Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2017-2022, extended to 2023, and is aligned with both the current Spanish Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2023-2027 and with the Framework Strategic Plan on Safety and Health at Work 2021-2027 of the European Union.

It has an initial budget of 48.11 million euros for its development over five years, throughout which it will be applied through two action plans that will include the specific actions to be carried out by the various agents involved (administrations, organizations most representative business and union organizations, companies, prevention delegates, technical personnel and sector entities, mainly).


Within the Strategy there are two large chapters, which cover almost half of its length, dedicated to carrying out a diagnosis of workplace accidents and the occupational health and safety conditions after the actions carried out, as well as a broad analysis of occupational diseases. , with special dedication to occupational cancer and silicosis.

In the analysis of the evolution of workplace accidents during the period 2017-2023, in which the previous Strategy was in force, there is an appreciable decrease of 11.75% in the incidence rate, which relates the number of accidents with sick leave during the working day with the annual average of workers affiliated with Social Security in those regimes that cover the contingency of work accidents and occupational diseases.


Regarding the objectives, a strategic one is set, focused on “promoting that work environments in Andalusia are safe and healthy by promoting a preventive culture and effective management of occupational risks.”

A strategic principle that is intended to be achieved through seven general objectives, among which are the improvement of occupational health and safety conditions in Andalusia, reducing work accidents and the prevention of occupational diseases in Andalusia.

Facilitating the application of occupational risk prevention in Andalusian SMEs is the third general objective set in the Strategy, to which is added addressing the challenges derived from new forms of work organization, the digital transition and other emerging risks.

They complete the group of objectives “promote preventive culture in Andalusia”, as well as improve the functioning of the occupational health and safety system and develop “core aspects of the prevention of occupational risks, such as training, gender perspective and adequate treatment of vulnerable groups.”

Each of these objectives is developed through the 20 axes and 61 lines of action that include control, research, informative or advisory measures; specific actions aimed at non-traumatic pathologies; specific actions in the field of occupational diseases, especially those related to occupational cancer and exposure to silica and asbestos. Measures aimed particularly at SMEs are also included; actions related to new emerging risks, the digital transition or special risks; lines aimed at psychosocial risks and mental health; campaigns to raise awareness among society, companies and workers; or strengthening the participation of the social dialogue in occupational health and safety policies, among others.

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