Martínez hopes to close the diagnostic phase of the Basque Health Pact on October 30

The Minister of Health, Alberto Martínez, has hoped that on the 30th the common diagnosis will be approved at the work table of the Basque Health Pact and continue with “all” the agents who are participating in the next phase. Along these lines, he has pointed out that, although there may be “a staging” Outside of this forum, the important thing is that “from the inside the pact works” because society “needs it.”

In an interview published by Deia, the head of Health of the Basque Government defends that Euskadi has a health system “powerful and very effective”although it is necessary to adapt it to be able to face “the changes” that occur in society. Martínez asks to “abstract from all those political and union debates” that are generated and look for “the best solution and the best defense of public health possible.” In this framework, he considers that “hopes have been placed” in the health pact promoted by the Basque Government because “the occasion deserves it” and “a collective reflection” is required on what the health system should be in the future.

Although there may be “a staging” that is seen as “legitimate” and is “something that we have discounted”, the important thing is that “from the inside the pact works” and agreements are reached because “society needs it”

After highlighting the “success” represented by the fact that “practically all actors involved in health” have joined the open work table, he points out that “whatever the pact becomes It will depend on the will and the commitment of the parties.” Likewise, he emphasizes that, although there may be “a staging” that he sees as “legitimate” and is “something that we have taken into account”, the important thing is that “inwardly the pact works” and is reached. to agreements because “society needs it.”

Martínez hopes that at the meeting on the 30th the common diagnosis can be approved because it is based on “a great consensus” and says he has “no doubt” that later “all” the agents who are present at the table will follow in the following phases of work (to which the agents who sign the agreement from the preceding phase move on).


The counselor highlights, among his main concerns, the fact that Osakidetza “is at the center of all the controversies” and specifies that, in addition to the “medium-term reflection” on the health system, in “the immediate” there have been already established “crash plans” for surgical waiting lists and diagnostic procedures and “steps” are being taken in Primary Care.

He acknowledges that the OPE model in Osakidetza “probably does not” make sense and, as he explains, in fact “a proposal with more agile procedures has already been made at the sectoral table”

On the other hand, he assures that he increasingly feels “more supportive of the work that previous directors have carried out” since it is “aware of the difficulties” that have been found and, asked if he is making an ‘amendment to the entirety’ of the work they have carried out, he rejects it, stressing that it is no “coincidence” that the Basque system has “the best data in the environment.”

“This does not mean that at all times there are not circumstances to analyze and make decisions about,” clarifies Martínez, who recognizes that the OPE model “probably does not” make sense in Osakidetza and, as he explains, in fact “in the sector table “A proposal has already been made with more agile procedures.”

Before the end of the year, 11,000 places will be awarded and there are “two more OPEs” and the commitment to create 2,000 more structural places, he considers that the objectives of reducing the interim position can be met

The counselor assured that before the end of the year 11,000 places will be awarded and there are “two more OPEs” and the commitment to create 2,000 structural places Furthermore, it considers that the objectives of reducing interim employment can be met. Finally, he assures that his intention is to “give maximum impetus” to the Osakidetza sectoral table to “reach a collective agreement after more than 15 years without an agreement.”


ESK has denounced the methodology in a statement “opaque and exclusive” of the “disappointing” table of the health pact, “an opaque mechanism that only seeks to wash the image of the PNV and not solve the serious structural problems of a very affected public health system.” “ESK has always been a firm defender of Basque public health and considers that it can contribute a lot to the protection of this public service, its promotion and its strengthening,” he says.

The union warns that this forum is not a “Pact for Basque Public Health” and criticizes that “agents with clear private interests such as Confebask or private universities participate in it.”

However, the union warns that this forum is not a “Pact for Basque Public Health” and criticizes that “it involves agents with clear private interests such as Confebask or private universities.” In addition, ESK shows its “surprise and rejection” at the methodology implemented by the Department of Health, “divided into phases, in which, in order to participate in the next one, you must accept the previous one.” This means that “if an organization does not agree with said document, it is excluded and cannot continue participating”, which “in this first phase would translate into accepting the diagnosis or being expelled from the pact”, according to ESK.

ConSalud’s content is prepared by journalists specialized in health and endorsed by a committee of top-level experts. However, we recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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