the dried fruit ignored in Spain that has an anti-aging effect and combats stress

According to the latest data on Food in Spain offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), Each Spaniard consumes 3.13 kilos of nuts per yearan amount that has been continuously increasing since 2015. In this way, according to the report, walnuts are the dried fruit preferred by Spaniards, accounting for 20% of household consumption.

However, there are other nuts that are rather ignored by the Spanish, such as pine nuts. The seed of the species of the genus pine (family Pinaceae) which has been valued since ancient times, a time when they served as supplies to Roman legionaries in their campaigns.

According to the Ministry of Health, a tablespoon of pine nuts provides 35% of the nutritional goals daily regarding the contribution of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. But they are also one of the anti-aging nuts par excellence and promote mental health.

Pine nuts and aging

Pine nuts, the small seeds that are extracted from the cones of certain types of pine trees, are a very nutritious food that offers numerous health benefits and one of the main ones is its high content of healthy fatty acidsespecially linoleic acid and oleic acid.

According to the Ministry, it is the nut richest in fat—after macadamia nuts. These fatty acids contribute to cardiovascular health by help reduce LDL cholesterol levels, known as “bad” cholesterol, and by increasing levels of HDL cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol.

Maintaining a proper cholesterol balance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes, in addition to serving as an excellent snack for those who have these high levels.

Pine nuts are an excellent source of protein, especially for those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets. They contain all the essential amino acids, making them a complete protein that helps in building and repairing tissues, as well as the production of enzymes and hormones.

Pine nuts.

The presence of magnesium in pine nuts contributes to muscle and nerve function, blood pressure regulation and maintaining a healthy heart rate. This mineral is crucial for bone health and plays a role in energy production at the cellular level.

The pine nuts are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E, which protects cells from damage caused by free radicals and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease, thereby promoting healthy aging.

Vitamin E is also beneficial for skin health, as it helps keep it hydrated and prevent premature aging, as well as they can be a very effective ally to soften expression lines and wrinkles on the face.

Pine nuts and brain health

In the area of ​​brain health, pine nuts provide benefits thanks to their content of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin), which are vital for the functioning of the nervous system and for energy production in the brain. This can help improve concentration and memory.

Thanks to their high magnesium content, a mineral that helps relax muscles and reduce tension, pine nuts can help us combat stress, improve mood and reduce anxietythanks to the balance of neurotransmitters.

Additionally, pine nuts contain vitamin B6, which participates in the production of serotonin, a hormone related to the feeling of well-being and relaxation. These nutrients, combined with the healthy fatty acids present in pine nuts, help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels naturally.

Other benefits of pine nuts

Another important nutrient found in pine nuts is zincthat strengthens the immune systemimproves wound healing and contributes to reproductive health. It also contains lutein, an antioxidant that is essential for eye health and helps prevent diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

Pine nuts have a low glycemic index, which means they They do not cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels. This is especially beneficial for people with diabetes or those looking to control their sugar level.

Toasted pine nuts.

Toasted pine nuts. Istock.

The presence of fiber in pine nuts contributes to healthy digestion, promotes feelings of satiety and helps maintain a healthy body weight. Fiber also plays a role in regulating sugar levels and reducing the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

An interesting aspect of pine nuts is their content in pinolenic acid, a compound that has been shown to act as appetite suppressant by stimulating the release of hormones that send satiety signals to the brain.

Pine nuts are also rich in minerals such as iron, which is essential for the transport of oxygen in the body and the prevention of anemia, and phosphorus, which is essential for bone and dental health, as well as energy production.

How to consume pine nuts

Despite the benefits of pine nuts, we must keep in mind that they have a high fat content and we cannot abuse them. The recommended serving is 15 pine nuts daily. to take advantage of its nutritional benefits without exceeding calories.

These nuts are naturally found in any supermarket, so we can get them at good prices at any time. Furthermore, since they are a snack, they are ideal to add to our routine.

Natural, unroasted pine nuts can Enjoy them raw in salads, in sauces such as pesto, in pasta dishes or as part of fillings. They are also common in the preparation of desserts and pastries, especially standing out in Christmas sweets and traditional Easter ones.

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