The rise of Manuela Perín: her time in Cantando, the unique relationship with Agustín Rada in School of Rock and the support of her mother

Manuela Perín told the details of her path to reaching Cantando 2024 (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Manuela Perín told the details of her path to reaching Cantando 2024 (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)

Since she was little, she was captivated by the magic of the show and its lights. Her childhood trips with her family to New York ended up convincing her and making her fall in love with that lifestyle. So, Manuela Perin confirmed that his place in the world was on stage. With passion more alive than ever, now is going through one of the best years of his career: for the first time she became one of the participants of the Singing 2024 (America), shone as part of the cast of school of rock on Corrientes Street and is preparing to release his first album.

Far from the world of news and journalism that his mother is used to Carolina Perinone of the most recognized journalists in her field, the young woman decided to dedicate her life to the artistic environment. Even so, in a talk with Teleshowconfesses that the communicator was the one who taught her the passion for shows, music, art and even supported her to develop her career. Thus things, since its presentation in the Singing, The artist made her mark on the reality show as a partner of Alfa from Big Brother. Perín is not new to the format of Singingsince her first contact with the program occurred in 2020, when she was summoned as coach during the pandemic. At that moment he showed off by instructing Angela Leiva and Brian Lanzelotta, who reached the final of the contest. After that experience, he continued working as a jury on the program sing with me now (El Trece), which kept her connected to the musical contest format. However, this year he decided to change roles and try something different: audition as a partner.

Manuela Perín with Alfa from Big Brother in Cantando 2024 (RS Photos)
Manuela Perín with Alfa from Big Brother in Cantando 2024 (RS Photos)
Manuela, with the critical influence of the Cantando jury, sought to capitalize on the exhibition as a partner (RS Photos)
Manuela, with the critical influence of the Cantando jury, sought to capitalize on the exhibition as a partner (RS Photos)

– Do you feel more comfortable in the Singing or in the theater?

– To be in the Singing You have to be very prepared, because the program is very nerve-wracking and generates adrenaline. Preparation times are different. When you do a play or present music you have at least a month of preparation. On the other hand, here sometimes you have three days to prepare. And then there is also some of the criticism that the jury may have. One has to be mentally prepared. I like to think that the program has its format, something bellicose. But I know it’s a game. If Flavio (Mendoza) gives you feedback and generates conflict, it is not that Flavio hates you.

-How did you live the experience?

– Unlike other years, the jury is full. They are criticizing everything, the settings, the coach, the screen, the partner, the famous person. Other years they went a little more to the bone with the famous one. This year it is being generated that partners also have another type of exposure, you have to know how to take advantage of it.

– What did you think when Alfa became your partner?

– With Alfa everything was very nice. He is a generous companion. He is a person who knows a lot about music too. When they assigned me to Alfa I said: ‘Wow, he’s great because he’s a different character.’

Manuela's mother, Carolina Perín, a renowned journalist, inspired her with her passion for art and entertainment (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Manuela’s mother, Carolina Perín, a renowned journalist, inspired her with her passion for art and entertainment (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Manuela Perín with Agustín Rada, castmate in School of Rock (Photo: Instagram)
Manuela Perín with Agustín Rada, castmate in School of Rock (Photo: Instagram)

– Did your mother accompany you to one of the programs?

– He insisted me to go. He told me: ‘I’ll accompany you.’ I tell her: ‘But, are you sure?’ So he convinced me. And of course, later in the studio people saw her and said to her with admiration: ‘But, who are you?’ We are from similar worlds, but of course, she is not an actress. But I can tell you that she could easily be because she is very histrionic… Mom is everything, she is a good driver, journalist, researcher. I admire her a lot and she always supported me.

– What was your goal in Cantando?

– For me Cantando was a nice springboard to be able to show myself on the program and at the same time spread my music. Even though I mainly dedicate myself to musical theater. The idea was to promote what artists who are growing or who do not yet have that popularity that television gives you do. More so in this new stage as a singer-songwriter in which I am going to release my first song as a soloist. One of the songs is with (Agustín) Rada, a beautiful partner with whom I shared School of Rock this year.

Since her childhood, Manuela knew that she wanted to dedicate herself to entertainment (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Since her childhood, Manuela knew that she wanted to dedicate herself to entertainment (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)

How did that relationship with Agustín Rada happen?

-He is such a humble and talented person. When we started rehearsing School I was part of the ensemble and was a replacement for Sofi Pachano. And naturally a very nice bond developed. He has a lot of humor and so do I, so a friendship was formed very quickly. In fact he told me ‘hey, I feel like I know you from another life’. And I showed him my songs and I told him, ‘look, this one makes me want you to contribute something.’ And the truth is that he contributed from an acting perspective, it was very funny.

-What were you inspired by? What do you want to transmit?

– With Rada we made the first single, it’s called Super Planeta. Plan the shape of the links. Today there is this concept of open relationships, an inclusive idea. I feel like the most traditional relationships were left without a voice. So I ask myself: “What happens to a girl when a boy picks her up?” ghostea and it doesn’t stop exciting her? It will be an EP of 5 songs with pop, national rock. There is a lot of Cerati, of The Beatles. The music from before has a different quality, the idea is to return to that, to listen to lyrics, stories and situations.

Manuela Perín confirms that her place in the world is on stage, standing out in Cantando 2024 and the cast of School of Rock (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Manuela Perín confirms that her place in the world is on stage, standing out in Cantando 2024 and the cast of School of Rock (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)

– Who showed you the world of show business for the first time?

– It was mom, she always took me outside to see plays. I remember I was four or five years old and he took me to see a musical in New York. And then since I was little I started singing and playing instruments. I left school and went to musical theater school. That’s how I finished school and enrolled in Julio Bocca’s school. I remember when I was ten years old going to see a work by Pepe Cibrián and saying: ‘My God, this man, I want to work with him.’ And then take the play program to school, have it with the folders. I think I was lucky, there is always a fee, but I took it upon myself to go to auditions and study.

-How did you react when you wanted to dedicate yourself to art?

– He told me: “Are you sure? Why don’t you study something in parallel?” And well, I studied, I am an English teacher. It is a tool that adds to me, especially for singing and acting. But later, when things started to happen, when I did Dracula, which was my first work, I kind of left him no choice. I said, “Well, ma, I’m going on tour with Dracula. Bye.” I understand it anyway, it’s not easy, and especially in theater. Before the seasons lasted a year. Today musicals last two or three months. Maybe I have “my happy kiosk,” which is teaching. And my singing studio.

Manuela's inspiration for the show was influenced by her travels and theater experiences in New York since childhood (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)
Manuela’s inspiration for the show was influenced by her travels and theater experiences in New York since childhood (Courtesy: Manuela Perín)

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