Jorge Lanata: the latest details about his health

As far as he could know THE NATION this Saturday the 19th, the health chart Jorge Lanata presented improvements: The journalist’s dose of sedation was reduced, he opened his eyes and had a good night.

While the journalist fights daily for his recovery – he has been hospitalized for more than four months – the confrontation between his family and his current wife Elba Marcovecchio it doesn’t stop. Let us remember that Marcovecchio decided to suspend two of Lanata’s trusted employees, a measure that in recent days was reversed by Sara “Kiwi” Stewart Brownex-wife and mother of his youngest daughter. At the same time, and as this media learned, Bárbara and Lola, the driver’s two daughters, wrote an open letter that they plan to share soon on radio Miter, TN and the El Trece newscasts.

Jorge Lanata’s ex-wife, Sara Stewart Brown, revealed last Thursday that she has a reciprocal power, the broadest that can exist, which includes the power to revoke other powers(Source: ARCHIVE)

Last week, Lanata’s family experienced new tensions. Through social media, Stewart Brown confirmed on Thursday, October 17, that he has a reciprocal power of attorney, signed by Lanata. “I decided to use it, exercising the power to revoke a particular power, because that power that I revoked was being used to do things that Lanata would never have done against people she would never have harmed. So I left it without legal effect. I am certain that Jorge Lanata would not agree that the people who accompanied him faithfully and lovingly for more than 20 yearss, and who are already part of your family, are left without receiving their salary, even if a law allows it. “Lanata never thinks or acts this way,” argued the journalist’s ex-wife.

Additionally, Stewart Brown explained: “It is a reciprocal power, the broadest that can exist, which includes the power to revoke other powers, especially with an irrevocable or inextinguishable clause in the event of incapacity or death. This is what power expressly says. We gave it to each other and kept it in force because of the trust we always had and have today.”

Elba Marcovecchio, wife of Jorge Lanata

The same day, in the afternoon, Marcovecchio responded with a document letter. As far as he could know THE NATIONthe document letter states: “Her behavior, far from the nobility that guided her in 2016, It contains an attitude of disrespect for the free decisions that Jorge exercised, for example getting married and granting me power to direct the ship in his absence. I deeply regret that you are assuming powers that do not belong to you, including questioning the conservatory acts of my husband’s assets that were entrusted to me for being his wife by the power granted and for being co-owner of the bank account. I tried to adjust costs to continue paying his opulent food fee in full. without even reducing… In conclusion, I reject his revocation of power whose sole purpose is economic,” said Marcovecchio in clear reference to the measure adopted by Stewart Brown.

Elba Marcovecchio published in her Instagram stories, on October 17, a defense against Jorge Lanata’s daughters

Added to the judicial document, around 8 p.m. this Thursday, Marcovecchio published a defense in more colloquial terms on her Instagram account through several stories, in which she detailed: “Once again I am forced to defend myself against undeserved attacks and public misrepresentations that have nothing to do with the truth. It is unlikely that there are those who have the strength and desire for rivalry at this moment where Jorge is fighting for his life like never before… It was not me who started this painful confrontationwhose reasons only reflect what Jorge once told me: ‘They are going to kill themselves for money.’ It fell short. […] “Her actions speak for her,” he wrote.

Jorge Lanata and one of his daughters

The driver’s health status Wool without filter (Radio Miter) keeps the world of entertainment and journalism on alert. He has been hospitalized for four months, since June 14, when he arrived at Italiano to undergo a routine study. However, in the middle of the procedure he suffered a complication and had to be admitted to intensive care, where he remained for three months.

On September 10, the journalist was referred to the Santa Catalina neurorehabilitation clinic to begin his rehabilitation. Although during the first days it was compensated, As time went by, his own symptoms were discovered. of an infectious condition. After starting a treatment with antibiotics that did not give the expected result, on September 18 he was transferred again to the Italiano for more precise monitoring.

Pneumonia and fever kept him in intensive care for six days; He was then discharged to continue his rehabilitation at the clinic in the San Cristóbal neighborhood. In the medical report after that situation, it was noted that Lanata showed a “good tolerance for disconnection.” Regarding mechanical respiration, he continued with his antibiotic treatment and showed “improvements at the level of consciousness”, although he continued with “disorientation and confusion”.

However, the complication in the infectious condition once again determined his referral to the Italiano on Saturday, October 5. Last Wednesday, at noon, the news that he had to undergo emergency surgery due to intestinal ischemia once again alerted everyone about the journalist’s delicate health.

With the collaboration of Pablo Montagna


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