Navarra prepares the new roadmap for its health policies

The Minister of Health of the Government of Navarra, Fernando Domínguez, appeared this Friday in a parliamentary committee at the request of EH Bildu to assess the 2014-2020 Health Plan, whose analysis – he explained – is delayed due to the pandemic. Likewise, the Navarrese official highlighted that “we face a period of transformation of the health system crucial for the future of the public system as we know it”, in which the Government of Navarra has “a key leadership role, but it needs and relies on the rest of the actors in the health field to be able to face it.”

Along these lines, Dominguez has explained the process of preparing the next Horizon 2030 Health Planwhich will be “the roadmap that defines the health policies of the Government of Navarra aimed at improving the health of the population.” A plan that will have “a health perspective in all policies, something that implies that all sectors work in coordination to improve the health and equity of the entire population”; which will focus on “sustainable development with the aim of guaranteeing healthy lives and promoting well-being for the entire population.”

Fernando Domínguez has highlighted that “the ultimate goal of our work is to heal and care for people”, which, sometimes, “involves changes, training and responsibility for the parties involved”

With the aim of having “the maximum possible participation and consensus”a public participation process will be opened on the participation web page where the draft plan can be accessed. Workshops have also been organized between October 9 and 25 with three work groups made up of people “with diverse profiles, with a vision of the health system and the environment.” After that, a report will be prepared and a process of preparing and writing the new Plan will begin to begin its processing until its debate and approval in the Parliament of Navarra.

Fernando Domínguez has highlighted that “the ultimate goal of our work is heal and care for people“, which, sometimes, “implies changes, training and responsibility for the parties involved.” He stressed that “in health there is not only the system and the administration that manages it” but that “there is a very extensive scope of agents and actors who participate directly or indirectly in the processes, who can facilitate or hinder and who have the knowledge and experience to offer so that everything works perfectly.”

Txomin González (EH-Bildu) has expressed the opinion that “there has been a lot of improvement but we have and must continue to be good at guaranteeing quality care to the population”

In the groups’ turn, the spokesperson for EH Bildu, Txomin Gonzálezhas expressed the opinion that the evaluation shows that “there has been a lot of improvement but we have and must continue to be good at guaranteeing quality care to the population.” He highlighted the need to “have an updated plan”, which takes into account the “evolution” of the system and which contemplates “continuous monitoring and adaptation”. He has also advocated considering in the next Plan “own tools or instruments” in areas such as mental health.

UPN spokesperson Leticia San Martinhas highlighted that it is an “evaluation that arrives four years late” and has criticized Domínguez for “hiding behind the health crisis” when “there have been other Communities that have known how to create a Health Plan” in the years of the pandemic. He has highlighted the importance of “monitoring indicators” in an “agile” way to “achieve transparency for the citizen.”

Maite Esporrín (PSN) has highlighted the “good results” of the evaluation, among which he has highlighted “the reduction in premature mortality and progress in promoting lifestyles.”

Through the PSN, Maite Esporrin has highlighted the “good results” of the evaluation, among which he has highlighted “the reduction in premature mortality and the advances in the promotion of lifestyles, the improvement of care for vulnerable people, the improvement in the detection early detection of diseases, as well as the implementation of early care programs in the child population”. And he stated that “citizen participation has been fundamental for these good results.”

The representative of Geroa Bai, Isabel Aranburu has highlighted the “non-negligible level of compliance” of the 2014-2020 Plan, especially in attention to chronicity, highlighting the advances in cancer prevention and care with precision medicine; attention to childhood chronicity or to chronic and multi-pathological patients.” “As opposed to those who want to make it seem that the system does not work, the evaluation confirms positive results in all objectives,” he stressed.

Maite Nostifrom Vox, has highlighted the importance of focusing the next plan on “teamwork” and having all health organizations “in terms of personnel”

Likewise, Irene Royoof the PPN, has missed “some self-criticism” on the part of the counselor “because this Health Plan will not stop arriving in 2024, with three-quarters compliance.” For the ‘popular’, it is “evident that there is still much to do” and “some procedures could have been executed more efficiently.” In the same way, he pointed out that “although we have made progress in absolute terms” other Autonomous Communities “have overtaken us.”

On behalf of Contigo-Zurekin, Daniel Lopez has valued the “teamwork and inter-institutional coordination” revealed by the evaluation of the plan. He has considered “the lines of work that he has presented to us and the indicators for monitoring the new plan to be appropriate.” Finally, Maite Nostifrom Vox, has highlighted the importance of focusing the next plan on “teamwork” and having all health organizations “in terms of personnel”, “enhancing self-care in the population, new models of care and new roles in nursing and physiotherapy”.

ConSalud’s content is prepared by journalists specialized in health and endorsed by a committee of top-level experts. However, we recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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