causes, treatments and home remedies

It has happened to all of us at some point in our lives: an internal pimple appears on our skin and it is usually somewhat painful. Although it is common for them to appear during adolescence, pimples have no age and many of us adults suffer from this skin phenomenon (no matter how much we follow our routine. skincare to the letter and try to take maximum care of your diet). After all, They are the result of a combination of factors that, on many occasions, are beyond our control.. With the help of several experts, we know everything that surrounds internal pimples, with the aim of knowing how to act against one of them.

Internal pimple: causes and solutions according to experts in the field of skin

What is an internal pimple?

An internal pimple is a lesion that forms under the skin without a visible head. Amparo Rodríguez, dermatologist and director of the Barcelona center that bears her name, explains that this type of pimple is also known as “abscess“, “boil” either “painful nodule“. It is normal that it is accompanied by “acne episodes“.”There is an acne called cystic nodule. This nodule is a lump under the skin that appears quickly, is painful to the touch, and has no visible external lesion. Sometimes it turns red and grows rapidly.”“, emphasizes Rodríguez.

Dermatologist Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus adds that “The degree of inflammation can vary from “not inflamed” to “maximally inflamed.” The more severe the inflammation, the greater the pain to touch.“.

Why do internal pimples appear?

Paula Rodríguez, biochemist specialized in dermopharmacy and cosmetics, and spokesperson for Planet Skin, allows us to discover the reason for the appearance of these nodules. “Internal pimples are usually the result of a combination of factors. They may appear due to the accumulation of dead cells in the pores.excess sebum production, or an inflammatory response to bacteria present on the skin“says the expert.

“Hormones play an important role, especially during adolescence, the menstrual cycle or in stressful situations”

In addition to these factors, Rodríguez emphasizes that “Hormones play an important role, especially during adolescence, the menstrual cycle or in stressful situations. External factors such as the use of comedogenic cosmetic products or pollution also play a role.“. Doctor Rita Sêco warns that “Bacterial infection by Propionibacterium acnes bacteria can cause inflammation in clogged hair follicles.” and that stress “can aggravate acne by increasing the production of cortisol, which increases oil production in the skin“.

On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus and founder of his eponymous brand, highlights that “a poor diet (for example, too many sweets), lack of sleep or poor skin care (usually too fat)“They can also lead to the birth of internal grains. At the same time, Amparo Rodríguez reports that “They usually appear in areas such as the groin, back or face, often caused by tight clothing, rubbing or the use of obstructive cosmetics.“.

internal grain
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Painful internal pimple: what to do in this situation

Although it may sound obvious, the most important thing is not to touch it. Paula Rodríguez focuses on this issue sharply. “Internal pimples are painful because they are deeply embedded in the skin, and by pressing on them, we only increase inflammation and the risk of infection. Applying hot or cold compresses can help relieve pain. To reduce inflammation more effectively, I recommend using creams with soothing ingredients such as calendula, gotu kola, probiotics, or products rich in zinc.which help dry excess oil without drying out the skin“.

“It is super important to perform both a chemical and physical exfoliation and a good deep clean”

Lourdes Moreno, dermocosmetic expert from the firm Laluz by Lourdes Moreno, adds that “It is super important to perform both a chemical and physical exfoliation and a good deep clean. Acne requires constant use of deep cleansing products and exfoliation twice a week. As assets, I recommend exfoliants and sebum regulators that help renew skin cells. A sebum control routine twice a week, with exfoliating toner, and retinol every other night.“. Likewise, he points out that “It is key to go to an appropriate specialist who prescribes a pharmacological treatment regardless of our cosmetic routine.“.

Once the grain is already in action, Dr. Rita Sêco recommends “transparent adhesive patches (Cosrx acne patche), since they are essential and very interesting for two reasons: They help dry the grain and prevent our hand from being tempted to go and squeeze the grainthus largely preventing the grain from becoming more infected every day“.”Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial agent that can attack acne-causing bacteria.”extensive in its list of advice.

internal grain
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Treatments for internal pimple: options beyond topical products

Depending on the internal pimple we are facing, we have several treatments available to us. Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus divides them into four categories and presents a solution for each case. When we come across an internal grain that remains as it is and does not change as the hours pass, “Generally, an opening must be made through a minimal incision with an injection needle or cannula or a pointed scalpel. It is best to have this done by a medical esthetician or dermatologist. It is important that this is done under sterile conditions. The area should then be covered with an antiseptic or antibiotic ointment so that the open canal does not immediately close again with a dry scab, thus preventing further drainage.“.

Now, if the grain ripens and empties outwards, “Drainage can be accelerated with gentle pressure. The area should be covered with a thick layer of antiseptic or antibiotic ointment so that the open canal does not immediately close with a dry scab, thus preventing further drainage.“.

Finally, the dermatologist points out that if the pimple “slowly increases in size, but does not empty, the facial area should be covered with a zinc drying lotion containing erythromycin or clindamycin“, while if it reopens on its own, “no manipulation should be carried out, so as not to alter the favorable impulse“.

“Those who are prone to recurrent internal pimples should consider the possibility of several months of internal therapy with isotretinoin, a preparation similar to vitamin A.”

Those who have a tendency to suffer from recurrent internal pimples should consider the possibility of doing several months of internal therapy with isotretinoin, a preparation similar to vitamin A. This is by far the most effective therapy“, concludes Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus in his story. Likewise, work is also done using a CO₂ laser, which is effective in removing cysts in certain cases, while blue light eliminates the bacteria that cause acne. An authorized professional will be able to assess What treatment is the most appropriate in each situation.

internal grain
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Internal headless grain: solutions

Internal kernels that have no visible “head” can be the most frustrating.“says Paula Rodríguez. “This occurs because the infection is trapped under the skin, without a drainage point. To treat them, it is important to be patient and use products that help accelerate their maturation, such as sulfur or clay masks.. It may also be useful to incorporate a serum with retinoids to accelerate cell renewal and allow the pimple to disappear faster. But, if it persists, it is always best to consult a dermatologist before attempting to remove it on your own.“.

Dr. Elena Jiménez, plastic and aesthetic surgeon and medical director of Eleca Clinic advises “follow a correct skincare routine that includes local treatments with salicylic acid, local treatments with glycolic and local treatments with creams that contain vitamin A and vitamin E, do not use creams that occlude the pore excessively, even if they leave your face very perfect“.

Furthermore, he repeats the idea of ​​”Do not touch your pores to try to extract that excess sebum mechanically. These things must be done today using masks that are more chemical or enzymatic, rather than actually being tightened mechanically, which can not only cause inflammation, irritation or injury, but can also cause these pimples.

Home remedies for internal pimple

In this sense, the experts consulted agree: the best course of action is to go to an expert in the matter to get rid of the problem. However, Paula Rodríguez defends that “Ice is a good ally to reduce inflammation and soothe pain, but it should be applied wrapped in a cloth to avoid skin burns.“.

“Aloe vera can help reduce irritation and speed healing”

Furthermore, he adds that “Turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, can be used mixed with water to make a soothing mask. Aloe vera can also help reduce irritation and speed healing.“. Anyway, biochemistry does not hesitate to remember that “In these cases, caution must always be taken.. As a last option, Amparo Rodríguez specifies that “If the pain is intense, you can take anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.“.

Dr. Elena Jiménez highlights the use of “natural disinfectants, such as vinegar or honey. In fact, honey has been used during other times for the care and healing of wounds. There is also talk of other options such as the use of toothpaste or baking soda, but that is actually less effective.“So it is better to leave aside the popular alternative of applying toothpaste on a pimple.

Products recommended by experts to deal with internal pimples

Invisible Liquid Patch for pimples and blemishes

Kiehl’s ‘Truly Targeted Blemish-Clearing Solution’ Invisible Liquid Patch for pimples and blemishes. Price: 30 euros.

Farm Skin Troubless Spot Gel Spot Treatment Cream 15ml

Localized treatment with gel formula containing 10% 4-therpineol from the tree. Price: 10.08 euros at Planet Skin.

(06) Vitamin A Serum
Prof Dr Steinkraus

‘(06) Vitamin A Serum’ by Prof Dr Steinkraus. Price: 106 euros.

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