5 tips from a nutritionist to avoid falling into an obsession with food that ends up exhausting you

It is little known, because it mainly refers to work, but this exhaustion has also reached the field of food. “Burnout is defined as a chronic nature of work-related stress that results in generalized exhaustion. And the term “nutritional burnout” refers to people who, After excessive dedication and concern for their diet and healthy habits, they express both physical and mental exhaustion“, which can lead to an emotional or eating disorder,” warns nutritionist Salena Sainz, from Naturae Nutrición.

The eating behavior of people who suffer from it is characterized by insufficient consumption of dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meats, breads and cereals. And it has been seen that it occurs in people with a prevalence of excess weight of 78% and a cardiovascular risk of 91%, according to the study “Burnout syndrome, nutritional status and eating behavior in health workers.”

How is it detected?

As this expert explains, it occurs in patients who have the following symptoms:

  • Procrastinate or become discouraged from taking care of yourself,” details the nutritionist. What is commonly known as having ups and downs. That is, suffering cycles of maximum care only to later fall into apathy.
  • “Guilt when eating something outside of what was previously planned, or failing to train,” he continues.
  • Obsession with the composition of food. “These are people who feel uncomfortable eating something if they have not previously read the label.”
  • Binge eating disorder (feeling that you cannot stop eating) alternated with other moments of calorie restriction,” says Salena Sainz.
  • physical fatigue and, in many cases, chronic inflammation low grade (abnormal immune response).

Who suffers from it?

  • Information consumption on social networks: “One of the common denominators of all patients is consumption of health and sports material on social networks. This causes the idealization of perfect lives, with suitable physiques (according to certain canons and in many cases with filters),” explains Salena Sainz.
  • More women than men: “Women form a higher percentage and, within the male sex, we find a young male profile,” he comments.
  • Adolescence and perimenopause: It occurs more in “women in early development along with those who suffer changes due to perimenopause, who try to counteract these effects by consuming this type of information compulsively and applying it without dosage. This leads to extreme exhaustion when it comes to having to meet excessive requirements for a ‘perfect and healthy’ life,” says the expert.

How can we avoid it?

The key is in set realistic goalsaccording to our own physical, emotional and environmental condition. “This way we can achieve them without reaching exhaustion due to the frustration of not meeting them,” recommends the nutritionist.

1. Avoid excess unscreened information

    We must set limits on the consumption of health and sports material that we do. “Always selecting qualified professionals (registered and certified) with a track record and experience in treating patients and with proven results. This will defend us from currents with bad faith and others without a scientific basis that could harm us,” says Sainz.

    2. Avoid radicalism and nutritional extremism

      The body needs the action of the maximum possible micronutrients for its proper functioning, and to obtain and bioassimilate them we need a good combination of all food groups.

      “There are allergies and other circumstances that a professional must calibrate to avoid deficiencies. If we eliminate all carbohydrates, eat smoothies or only consume fruits and vegetables, we will subject our body to lack of nutrients that, over time, will lead to diseases,” warns the expert.

      On the other hand, dietary restrictionsin the long run, generate emotional disturbances in patients, feeling of guilt, anxiety, pressure “before meetings with food and even eating disorders,” adds Selena Sainz.

      3. Understand why and why you eat

        In the expert’s opinion, a balanced and varied diet has two fundamental aspects and neither of them is dispensable.

        • The first is cultural: “By culture, Gastronomy is a key piece in emotional development both personally and socially for all people. Cultures, flavors, textures are discovered… Memories, preferences and passions or animosities are generated through food and recipes,” he points out.
        • The second is a matter of health: “An important part of the work of nutritionists in consultation focuses on recommending a “functional diet.” That is, one that combines foods in order to prevent the appearance of diseases or control those already present,” according to Salena Sainz.

        Combining these two aspects of the prism will help us find the body-mind balance. Already achieve happiness through the plateaccording to this expert.

        4. Learn to relax and enjoy a dish without guilt

          The doubt and constant pressure due to not knowing how to act to carry out a correct diet and habits that provide balance generates burned patients.

          “Know that we do not face poison foods and being clear about what our nutritional regimen should be will free us from the pressure. If every day we eat all the nutrients that our body needs “We should not feel guilty when faced with a dish that is higher in calories or has a certain sugar content.”he explains.

          “For example, before an intense sport, the intake of certain sugars will be essential for the recovery of glycogen or during the practice of it. On the contrary, if we follow “anti-sugar” currents we will trigger an internal struggle between what is necessary and what we believe is good. executed,” describes the nutritionist.

          5.CConsult with a qualified professional and, if possible, a member of the board

            It is a fact: accounts and workshops on nutrition proliferate on social networks without any type of control or qualified criteria. “There are people whose power of conviction over others is such that they can change healthy habits for extreme ones,” says Salena.

            To avoid falling into currents that are harmful to our physical and mental healthyou have to count on the help of good professionals. “In order for there to be support behind us as patients, membership is a reliable tool. The health professional association requires a base of studies and certain ethics, as well as liability insurance,” says the nutritionist.

            In addition to looking for a licensed doctor, it is important that he or she specializes in nutrition and also provides us with the feelling and motivation we need to achieve our goals. Something else: “They must avoid quick resultsthe consumption of substances not advised or not scientifically proven, and restrictive diets and/or generalized”, concludes Salena Sainz.

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