Five social innovation projects in health, selected in the third edition of DKV Impacta

The insurance company DKV has presented the five projects selected for ‘DKV Impacta’, the call for social innovation in health for entities in the social third sector and impact startups. The projects fall into two categories: Climate change and health and Disease prevention for vulnerable groups.

Throughout the first three editions of ‘DKV Impacta’, a total of 572 applications have been submitted, 30 projects have been supported in a first phase of training and mentoring, and 15 in phase 2, each receiving 15,000 euros and the monitoring that allows them to evolve their proposals. At the same time, in this period there have been improved selection criteriaincluding social impact, scalability, innovation, business model and financing, and replicability, to ensure traceability and impartiality in the decision of which projects to select.

“For DKV, innovation is the driving force behind the transformation of the health sector”

The event included an introduction by Fernando CamposCEO of DKV, who highlighted that “for DKV, innovation is the driving force behind the transformation of the health sector and our company, and it’s something that we have built into as a way of constant learning”.

In this sense, Mother Pilardirector of Customer Experience, Quality and Sustainability, has emphasized the positive effects of this project. “The program has contributed significantly to open innovation with social impact and has already established itself as a reference program. With Impacta, ‘value connections’ have been generated, motivation to continue developing innovation, self-confidence and the ability to integrate learning.”

In addition, a round table was held under the title “Social impact in the field of health: a long journey” in which participants Marta Colominageneral director of the PWC Foundation; Antonio GonzalezCEO of Impact Hub, and Belen ViloriaCEO of BCORP Spain; moderated by Silvia AgullóDirector of Sustainability at DKV.

Among the selected projects we have “Quality regenerated waters: STOP antibiotic-resistant bacteria”, presented by the Barcelona Institute of Global Health Private Foundation. This is a new and revolutionary kit for the detection of Resistant Aeromonas to antibiotics in water samples, allowing continuous monitoring of the quality of regenerated water and sludge before they are used in irrigation and agriculture. In this way, we contribute to the preservation of public health and environmental sustainability.

On the other hand, they have selected the diagnostic application FASD/FASD, from the Visual TEAF Foundation, seeks to help health professionals make the diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) more easily, which usually takes an average of 15 years to achieve. With this app, measurements can be made in front of the patient, with the aim of screening for FASD and expedite diagnosis. Likewise, the EMET Foundation project, “Check-Emet: A Board of Opportunities”, has been selected, using chess as therapeutic toolto transform lives by improving cognitive functions and promoting social integration in people with addiction problems.

“The program has contributed significantly to open innovation with social impact and has already established itself as a reference program”

Finally, BLOPUP: Blood Pressure under Pressure, developed by Health Sense Sostreaims to reduce the life expectancy gap between the homeless population and the general population using an innovative technological tool and social volunteers with or without medical knowledge. The project works for the detection, treatment and adherence to it to reduce blood pressure levels in patients with high blood pressure.

In the context of heart attacks as the leading cause of death in the world, the proposal of Cardi@ANGEL SL who presents his project CARDI@ANGELa network of volunteers trained to carry out a cardiopulmonary resuscitationconnected through an app with people at risk of suffering cardiorespiratory arrest.

The committee in charge of selecting the projects has been made up of Antonio GonzalezCEO of Impact Hub and expert in innovation and entrepreneurship in the social and health sector; Beatriz ViloraCEO of BCORP Spain; Conchita GaldonPh.D. vice dean of Purpose Driven Companies and director of the IE Center for Social Innovation and Sustainability; he Dr. Javier Quintanamember of the executive committee of the General Directorate of Health of DKV, and Miguel GarciaDirector of Communication and Reputation at DKV.

ConSalud’s content is prepared by journalists specialized in health and endorsed by a committee of top-level experts. However, we recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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