La Beba: “First you have to have a relationship and a nice speech towards yourself; then everything else begins” | Interviews

La Beba has not let herself be carried away by the sadness of the change of season and has started autumn with a great dose of empowerment. Because? Because the Madrid just launched MQa first EP with which to bet on yourselfwherever you come from and whoever you are. A song to self-love in capital letters formed by a tracklist of six songs with which to begin building the pillars towards confidence and an unbreakable attitude.

About this work, her participation in LOS40 Summer Live, hypothetical collaborations and her future plans, we have been able to talk at length with herself. Blanca Sol. The artist has also reflected on the balance that makes this year so special for her.

How did the concept and the desire to reappropriate that TQ and convert it to MQ, give it a twist, come about?

I feel that it is very related to the personal process that I have experienced. It’s also about that change from girl to woman; about knowing myself, accepting myself and loving myself, which I think is something very revolutionary nowadays, because in the end with all the social networks and all the information we have—which constantly bombards us—, it is very easy to compare yourself with other people and see yourself as insufficient. . In the end I think it is very revolutionary to truly love yourself, to be sure of who you are. AND MQ It comes from there a little and I also wanted to put an end to romantic love a little. It’s like a bit of death to romantic love, metaphorically. So, that’s why the T.Q. [te quiero] for him MQ [me quiero].

What is your current relationship with social networks? As a woman, do you feel aesthetic pressure?

I like social networks and I consider that they greatly expand the capabilities of reaching the public and providing many opportunities. But it is true that as a woman I do feel that social and, above all, aesthetic pressure. I think there are some super-established beauty canons and that, as soon as you go a little outside of that, you’re no longer worth it or you’re not cool. So, I think we should change this and be more natural, really.

Returning to the album, what was the song that cost you the most and the least? In one of your last posts you said that it has been a three-year process.

It hasn’t been difficult for me to create any, because in some way they were all within me, that is, it was a message that I wanted to externalize, so I haven’t felt any difficulty. It has taken me, perhaps more, to come up with this general concept that encompasses all the songs and gives them meaning, as has ultimately been the case. MQ: the concept that surrounds all the other songs. So, that has perhaps been the most difficult thing, coming up with that general concept, but composing them as such has emerged for me depending on the moment I was living.

Who is it addressed to? What kind of people should listen to this EP?

Both people who are comfortable with themselves, to strengthen that, and those who have some insecurity or do not feel valid, nor do they feel enough. I think it’s an album to empower yourself, to enjoy, to grow and to say: ‘damn, I’m comfortable with myself’, and that’s very nice. I think that from there, everything else begins and being able to have healthy relationships with others. But first you have to have a relationship and a nice speech towards yourself.

Knowing myself, accepting myself and loving myself is something very revolutionary today.

The Baby

In Xulitayou make a small nod to Juan Magán’s song, dancing around. What does this song convey to you and where does it transport you when you listen to it again?

I really liked the way he [Juan Magán] He was talking about the person he saw dancing in Madrid and I wanted to appropriate it and take it a little to my own ground, in the sense that, that person who is perhaps making you suffer, yesterday he saw you well and saw you dancing in Madrid. there. So, I wanted to tell how it is personified in the other person, right? In other words, you are the one who is dancing out there, you are well and empowered and “xulita”, and the other person is seeing it. So, it seemed like a good way to play it and make that reference to Juan Magán.

What other songs did you listen to when you were a teenager?

I listened to Justin Bieber a lot. Before, when I was younger, I listened to María Isabel. Above all, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are the two artists that I listened to the most when I was a teenager.

What can you tell us about the two remaining songs that we had left to hear from the EP, femme fatale and MQ?

It is the consolidation of Toxic and expensive, On loop, I don’t fucking care and Xulita. We return to the same thing: they are that maximum empowerment, that accepting oneself and saying: ‘regardless of what you tell me, I don’t fucking carebecause I am MQ [me quiero]’.

Would you say in the same line of sound that you have been presenting until now?

I think that on the album we do find different sounds. It’s true that everyone under a common umbrella, obviously, but yes, each song is a different style, a different sound and I would say even a different attitude.

What songs or artists have inspired you to develop the project? MQ?

I have been influenced by different artists, but it is true that I connected a lot with the album Motomami by Rosalía. That was more or less when I started composing. MQ. So I think it has a lot of influence Motomamiinspired me a lot. And also Billie Eilish and Nathy Peluso. Yes, I think I would say those three artists as a reference.

In this vindication of self-love, apart from Nathy Peluso, Billie Eilish or Rosalía, what other women in the industry empower you and what songs make you feel powerful?

Ptazeta, for example. Every time I listen to his music I go crazy. Because of the message, because of the rhythms, because of the way of composing… it would be another one that I would say empowers me. And yes, well, Nathy Peluso and Rosalía are for me… I mean, they always take me to the top.

La Beba presents her first EP #MQ. (Photo provided by Sony Music Entertainment)

La Beba presents her first EP #MQ. (Photo provided by Sony Music Entertainment)

In one of your past interviews with LOS40, you said that Pol Granch was one of the artists you kept in your contact book and that you would like a collaboration that you had pending to come out. At what point is that? Have you been able to resume it?

Yes, the truth is that we have done the 40 tour together [LOS40 Summer Live] and we have had time to talk more about music and soak up a little more of what the other does. And, well, maybe collaboration comes (laughs).

Precisely at LOS40 Summer Live you have been able to meet other artists and I imagine that you will have new contacts. Will there be a meeting in the future?

Let’s see, I have met many artists, the truth is that I would collaborate with all of them, because that always enriches, but I think I have a sound very similar to that of Álvaro Mayo; We are very much on the same wavelength. So maybe I would consider doing something with it.

When composing and facing a blank page, are you one of those who first chooses the melody or the lyrics?

It depends on the moment and the situation, but it is true that sometimes they come together a bit. That is, I hum a melody with a made-up lyric, or a spanglish so strange, and then I shape it and also put words that phonetically sound good to me.

You say that you use the piano to compose, will we be able to see this more intimate facet at some point in your La Beba project?

Yes, I’m really looking forward to it, especially to be able to translate it live. I hope, now that I have my EP, to be able to do small concerts of MQ And, within those concerts, I would like, apart from there being a lot of dancing, a lot of show and a lot of rhythm, to have a couple of intimate moments with the audience of piano and voice, or guitar and voice or something else.

Within my concerts, apart from there being a lot of dancing, I would like to have a couple of intimate moments with the piano and voice audience

The Baby

As for concerts, is anything closed yet?

At the moment, the next thing I have is LOS40 Pilar Pop. They told me that it is amazing, that a lot of people go and that the public is crazy. So looking forward to the date, really.

You studied journalism and advertising. In these marketing strategies before the launch, what weight do your opinions have during decision-making: do you allow yourself to be advised or do you already come up with an idea and propose it to the team?

Yes, I have the idea. When I compose the songs, I already imagine all the aesthetics that surround it and all the symbolism that exists within the song. I always try to raise it with my team first so that, based on that idea, we can start working and developing it. So yes, I am part of the entire creative process and the truth is that I love it.

Looking back a little, how do you feel when you think about everything that has happened to you in 2024? You are on the radio (and on the official LOS40 List), you have been with LOS40 on tour, you have released your first EP…

I feel very happy, very lucky and also very proud, because I believe that all the work I have been doing, perhaps unseen, in previous years, is beginning to bear fruit and I am very proud. I also consider it a privilege to live this opportunity that I am experiencing, so I am trying to be very present in the moment and enjoy the process.

Do you have any dreams left to fulfill before the year is over?

I don’t have such short-term goals. I would say that I have already fulfilled many dreams this year and that right now the dream is for all this to continue like this; let it continue as it is going.

And what are your goals for 2025?

After the release of this EP, I would really like to start working on an album. In an album, with more songs, more complete and more conceptual. And I’m going to lock myself in the studio for maybe six months just to compose.

Have you started composing this album you’re talking about?

I’m already having ideas. I think so, the identity (along the lines of MQ) is maintained, but I would say that it is going to be even more experimental.

One last hypothetical question to imagine… Five years from now, what would you like to have done as The Baby?

Five years from now I would like to have a concept album abroad, to have done my own tour and perhaps to have traveled more for music or to have known more countries, other cultures and to have had the opportunity to soak up them and after that to compose there with with all that information.

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