Interview with Paula Armero, pediatrician, about childhood and mental health

Since before the COVID-19 pandemic, pediatricians have noticed a progressive deterioration in the mental health of children and adolescents in Spain. In 2022, according to the latest data from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), the mental health problems in young people they increased up to 47%. The consultations and psychiatric admissions in minors tripled during the pandemic, the suicidal behavior increased by 59% and diagnoses of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders multiplied by four.

Therefore, on the occasion of Pediatrician’s Daywhich is celebrated this October 8, the Association wants to focus on the mental health of children and adolescents and call on society to raise awareness on mental health problems in childhood. The coordinator of the Mental Health Committee of the AEP, doctor Paula Armerotells how families can detect if their children suffer from mental health problems and the measures that could be implemented to reduce the number of cases in children and adolescents.

Gunsmith He has been a pediatrician since 2014 and currently, since January 2023, works at the Arroyomolinos Health Center in the Community of Madrid. The doctor warns that problems begin at increasingly younger ages and emphasizes the importance of the traumas they may experience in the family and school environment, since they can end up being a risk factor for their mental health.

QUESTION: What information worries pediatricians the most?

ANSWER: Actually we are all worriedwe are concerned to see that minors are suffering a lot and that we still lack resources to care for them. Always the most serious factor is that they have increased suicidesbecause it is irreversible, we cannot go back.

But it is true that all the data we have on the increase in depression, anxiety, disorders, eating behavior, addictions and inappropriate content regarding digital devices has us very concerned. There is no longer just one, let’s say that we are all seeing that there is a lot of deterioration.

We have detected that each time the symptoms start earlier. Starting at 11 is when we have a large number of patients and they are getting younger and younger.

Q: At what age do they start having mental health problems?

A: We have detected that each time the symptoms start earlier. Although there is no established age, it can begin in adolescence, at 11 years. For example, with the inappropriate use of screens, already at eight and nine years old. They are increasingly younger ages, but starting at 11 is when we have that large number of patients and they are getting younger.

Q: What is the mental disorder that has increased the most? What risk factors are there?

A: The mood disorders, behavior and anxiety are those that have increased the most and also the self harm. Any type of abuse that any minor suffers is a risk factor to alter your mental health. We have a lot of problems regarding school bullying and the cyberbullying [ciberacoso]with suicidal behavior, etc.

All that is called adverse childhood experiences. So, any of these adverse experiences is a risk factor for developing a mental disorder and in fact they are also related even to physical illnesses in adults. So, everything that has to do with family and school environment Being traumatized is a risk factor that can affect mental health.

A child’s brain is developing. So if all the content that comes to them is inappropriate and violent, they understand that the way to relate is through violence.

Q: What steps could be taken to help them if they are exposed to any risk factors?

A: What we first need is detect and prevent it. For example, pediatricians can see what the parenting styleshow the family is facing since that child is born and how it is growing. If we detect any problem that may exist in that family environment and social, we can refer you to social services to improve this situation.

Also if we know that there is any problem school levelwe always make an appointment with the patient and We coordinate with schools and institutes to help them. What we pediatricians do is evaluate all aspects of the child, see if there is any that is at risk and if we see that it is a alarm signalwe referred to mental health.

Q: How does addiction and watching content that is not appropriate for your age affect your mental health?

A: A child’s brain is developing. If all the content that reaches you is inappropriate and violentthey integrate that the way to relate is through violence. That is why we see that the cases of sexual assaults in minors because they think that porn is the way to begin sexuality and we know that is not true.

This has a great impact on their mental health and many of them either reproduce these aggressive attitudes or they feel very helpless. Furthermore, addiction to screens makes them prefer to be always connected to a screen to relate. Human beings are sociable beings, and Adolescents need to be with their peers and their familybecause being alone leads you to sadness.

Q: What measures could be taken in these cases to avoid addictions?

A: At the outset, what we need to know is that They don’t have to spend all day or with the tabletneither with the mobile phone, nor with the computer. One has to limit since they are little, the use of the screen as something playful. They They have to play with their peers and be in the park.

It is also ideal that the families are presentthat the movies be watched together, that the games are together and separately, they must have all the parental controls and know where those minors are accessing the Internet, because The problem is that parents don’t know..

Q: To celebrate Pediatrician’s Day you have written a manifesto with your demands. What do you ask for?

A: Need increase our trainingbecause to address mental health issues we have to have been trained in them. So, during the residency the mental health rotation. We need to have a guide that can have all the data for know what we have to ask and how to do clinical interviews. This way we can detect cases earlier and obviously refer them.

And then what we need is coordination and greater monitoring, time and resources so that all those involved can meet and see how to do it case by case.

Image from part of the Pediatrician’s Day manifesto AEP

Q: Regarding pediatric mental health protocols, what should they cover?

A: For this, what we ask is that the mental health approach be from pediatrics. Yes, there is a mental health plan, but it is general. What we ask for is a structured plan within our healthy child programs. There are a series of validated questionnaires For certain pathologies, tell professionals how to conduct the interview, what questions to ask and what the environments should be like.

It is a change in their behavior, the children are suddenly more irritable or do not want to leave their room or they just want to be in front of a computer.

Q: How can families detect that their children are suffering from a mental health problem?

A: Seeing changes. Before they went to school and with friends happy and now They no longer play with their peersthey begin to say that they no longer want to go to school, academic performance drops. For example, with eating disorders, suddenly they don’t want to eat as a familythey get up very quickly after eating, they start to wear baggier clothes, etc.

The first thing is to talk to that minor. If a father or mother sees that something is happening. The first thing is to ask him to find out what is happening.

When they are done self harm They don’t want to be in swimsuits, or be in short clothes with their parents. They are also starting to get layers of clothing so that they cannot be seen. It is a change in your conductchildren are suddenly more irascible or do not want to leave their room or just want to be in front of a computer. They are those changes in everyday life that the sooner we know about them, the sooner we can see why they are happening.

Q: What tools can parents use to help their children?

A: The first thing is talk to that minor. If a father or mother sees that something is happening. The first thing is to ask know what is happening. They have to come to the pediatrician or their family doctor to see if they need a mental health referral or follow-up with us and knowing what is happening to them.

Q: What advice would you give to parents whose child has mental health problems?

A: What I would tell you is that are presentthat they always offer you the trust so that the minor can go to them and turn to any situation that is making them suffer, and that the parents can count on the rest of the professionals who are here to help the minors.

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