Researcher from the Andalusian School of Public Health awarded at the Muy Science Fest

Professor Mª José Sánchez has received the Very Interesting award for Women Scientists in the Medicine/Health category

Editorial | October 21, 2024



The professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP), an entity attached to the General Secretariat of Public Health and R&D&I in Health of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, and scientific director of ibs.GRANADA, María José Sánchez, She has been recognized with the Very Interesting Award for Women Scientists, in the Medicine/Health category, for her contribution to the advancement of science. The awards will be presented in Malaga on Saturday the 19th in the third edition of the Muy Science Fest, a scientific dissemination space organized by the magazine Muy Interesante.

This is the first edition of the Very Interesting Awards for Women Scientists in Andalusia, awards that reward the research career and relevance of professionals in Andalusia. The jury is made up of the editor-in-chief of Muy Interesante, the director of the magazine and a group of expert collaborators.

Sánchez has a doctor of medicine from the University of Granada (UGR) and is specialized in Microbiology and Clinical Parasitology. She is an expert in Epidemiology and Clinical Research, in Health Promotion in health, educational and social contexts and in Bioethics from the UGR.

In 1997 he became part of the EASP staff, joining the Granada Cancer Registry, which he began directing in 2009. Since 2020, he has combined this position with the scientific direction of the Biosanitary Research Institute (ibs.GRANADA), of which the EASP is part. He currently combines this position with that of head of research and consulting at the EASP.

Research as a driving force of life

Dr. Sánchez has extensive experience in the design and development of epidemiological studies related to etiology, health care, health inequalities and survival of cancer patients, having led and/or collaborated in more than 30 research projects. European, national and regional level. The results of these projects have been reflected in more than 150 scientific publications in the last 5 years.

She is Principal Investigator of an excellent research group of the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health, of the ibs.GRANADA and of the PAIDI Research Group of the EASP on ‘Research in Public Health and Health Services’. She was president of the Spanish Network of Cancer Registries (REDECAN) and elected member of the Steering Committee of the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR). Since December 2017, she has been coordinator of the Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases Program of CIBERESP and a member of its board of directors.

She is coordinator of the EPIC-Spain study and principal investigator of the EPIC-Granada study. Participates in the Andalusian Cancer Strategy, coordinating the strategic line on ‘Epidemiology and Information Systems’. In addition, she is the Principal Investigator of Andalusia in the Predictive Medicine Program of the IMPaCT infrastructure of the Carlos III Health Institute, which aims to recruit a multicenter and multipurpose cohort in Spain, of 200,000 people.

In 2018 she was included in the list of Highly Cited Researchers, being one of the most cited researchers in the world in the field of Oncology. She is a professor of the Clinical Medicine and Public Health doctoral program at the University of Granada since 2019 and has been recognized as a Visiting Scholar of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the UGR from 2019 to 2021.

She is a member of the advisory committee of the Personalized Precision Medicine Plan of Andalusia and director of the 5P Precision Medicine Chair with the UGR and Roche Farma and director of the Chair of Obesity and other metabolic diseases at EASP, UGR and Novo Nordisk.

She has recently been chosen by Spain as a member of the Scientific Council of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the WHO for the period 2024-2029.

He is a member of the advisory committee of the Health R&I Strategy 2024-2028, the Public Health Research and Innovation Plan of Andalusia and the Strategic Plan of the Biobank of the Public Health System of Andalusia and a member of the center’s external scientific advisory committee. Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Board of Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO), as well as the Health Research Institute of Castilla la Mancha (IDISCAM).

One more recognition for an extensive professional career

Among other recognitions, Dr. Sánchez occupies the first position among Andalusian researchers and the tenth among Spanish and foreign researchers in Spain, in the second edition of the ranking prepared by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) within its commitment to gender equality policies.

This year she was recognized among the 100 most influential women in Andalusia by Forbes Women. In 2023 he received the Gold Medal from the province of Granada and the city of Granada, for his research career. In 2023 she was among the Top 100 leaders of El Español and MagasIN in the category of Academics, thinkers and researchers. In 2019 he received the award for the best scientific career from the Science and Innovation Table and the UGR.


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