Better salaries for doctors and nurses with political consensus

The Health Commissions tend to be the most ‘harmonious’ commissions of the Cortes Generales. The goal, at the end of the day, is similar; although the paths sometimes vary. Proof of this is how the different parties address the importance of granting health professionals a ‘fair’ pay. Deputies and senators of different ideologies agree that “it is time” to, for example, correct the cuts to extra pay that were approved more than a decade ago. They recognize, however, that first a economic balance so as not to create ‘holes’ in the regional accounts.

The remuneration of doctors, nurses, technicians and other health workers has focused on the last of the tables of the XV Global Meeting of Parliamentarians, an event organized by Medical Writing with the collaboration of Aproafa, Boehringer, Gilead, Johnson & Johnson and Sanofi. The table was led by the Health spokespersons of the PSOE Congress (Carmen Martinez) and Vox (David Garcia) and his PP counterpart in the same Senate chamber (Enrique Ruiz Escudero).

David García, spokesperson for Vox in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies.

Regarding the cuts in extra pay that were approved 14 years ago, the premise, David García has stressed, is clear: “It’s time to amend this decision; If there is a union that has to receive our support, it is the healthcare sector.” The Vox leader has referred in this way to the campaign initiated by the doctors’ (CESM) and nurses’ (Satse) unions, which, as CSIF did last year, have ‘knocked on the door’ of Congress to demand that the extraordinary comes to them ‘integrated’.

PP and PSOE also have applications from doctors and nurses ‘in their portfolio’, although they have highlighted, first of all, the virtue of “listen” to the autonomous communities. In this sense, Enrique Ruiz Escudero has stressed that “all of them, without exception,” have increased salaries for healthcare workers. “They are the ones who have to decide speeds regarding salary”, he stressed. Carmen Martínez, for her part, has pointed out the need to consolidate budgets that sustain this economic effort.

Carmen Martínez, PSOE spokesperson for the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies.

Carmen Martínez, PSOE spokesperson for the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies.

Lack of professionals in the SNS

Another ‘sing’ is the shortage of workers in the workforce. National Health System (SNS), something that PP and Vox attribute to the “insufficient” supply of MIR and EIR positions and the socialists to the lack of job “attractiveness” of certain specialties and the actions of the autonomous communities in this regard. “I am disappointed by how we have evolved,” said Carmen Martínez, who stressed that “it is not enough to just call for more training positions.”

“Right now, the funds to hire doctors in the autonomous communities do not exist, it is a quantitative problem”, Enrique Ruiz Escudero replied. In this sense, the popular has warned that not all residents who finish their training stage end up in the public system. “About 20 or 30 percent They choose their private workplace -he pointed out-. If we add to all this the scenario of retirements that are arriving, the situation is tremendous.” Along these lines, he has advocated for “expedite approvals” and “redesign” the MIR plazas to improve their attractiveness.

“We understand that it is a matter of state, the situation cannot arise in which there are no doctors to hire. And that requires emergency solutions,” Escudero himself stressed.

García, for his part, has influenced the “loyalty” of the MIR. “We have to ensure that the students, once trained, stay here; “We must talk about the very low salary that is received in the first years.” Another solution, he pointed out, could be to give more capabilities to areas such as Nursing and Pharmacy, so that they “help unclog” the funnel.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, PP spokesperson on the Senate Health Commission.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero, PP spokesperson in the Senate Health Commission, who participated in the Meeting electronically.

State Agency for Public Health and Mental Health

There are issues that generate more convergence between the PSOE and the main opposition parties in Congress. One of them is related to the State Public Health Agency, whose processing is still underway waiting for the amendments to be cleared. “It will be a legislative milestone,” stated Carmen Martínez, who has detailed that this entity is “a consequence of the development of the General Public Health Law”.

Likewise, the socialist leader has completely rejected that this Agency is going to entail an invasion of autonomous powers, an issue that the nationalist formations in Congress were suspicious of in recent months. “Since the co-governance We have made a lot of progress in health policies, and we must advance in these agreements; “We don’t see it as difficult,” he added.

Adrián Mateos, journalist of the Political section of Medical Editorial.

Adrián Mateos, journalist from the Politics section of Medical Editorial.

Another point of union is that of Mental Health. Both the Congress and the Senate host subcommittees on this matter to illuminate a great State pact, although Vox has criticized the “vetoes” that, says David García, it has suffered from other parties during the processing of its Anti-suicide law. “It was shown that we were at the side of the patients,” he stressed. Ideology is not the same as political will”.

A “political cavity” which he also rejects in the processing of the ELA Law, which recently achieved the support of each and every one of the groups in Congress. “We must be proud of having been part of its processing,” they said.

José Martínez, former spokesperson for the PSOE in the Senate Health Commission; Jesús Aguirre, president of the Parliament of Andalusia; Carmen Martínez, PSOE Health spokesperson in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies; and Pablo Bellido, president of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha.

José Martínez Olmos, former spokesperson for the PSOE in the Senate Health Commission; Jesús Aguirre, president of the Parliament of Andalusia; Carmen Martínez, PSOE Health Spokesperson in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies; and Pablo Bellido, president of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha.

Ricardo López, general director of Sanitaria 2000; and Julio Torrado, former spokesperson for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Parliament of Galicia.

Ricardo López, general director of Sanitaria 2000; and Julio Torrado, former spokesperson for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Parliament of Galicia.

Carmen Martínez and Elena Lete, PNV deputy and president of the Health Commission of the Basque Parliament.

Carmen Martínez with Elena Lete, PNV deputy and president of the Health Commission of the Basque Parliament.

Santiago Morón, spokesperson for Vox in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Aragón; Joaquín Moreno, spokesperson for Aragón-Teruel It exists in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Aragón; and Jesus Aguirre.

Santiago Morón, spokesperson for Vox in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Aragón; Joaquín Moreno, spokesperson for Aragón-Teruel It exists in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Aragón; and Jesus Aguirre.

Sara Jaurrieta, spokesperson for the PSC in the Health Commission of the Catalan Parliament; Miguel González de Legarra, deputy of the Parliament of La Rioja; Carmen Martínez; María Somalo, PSOE Health spokesperson in the Parliament of La Rioja and former Health Minister; and Ángel Tomás Godoy, spokesperson for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha.

Sara Jaurrieta, spokesperson for the PSC in the Health Commission of the Catalan Parliament; Miguel González de Legarra, deputy of the Parliament of La Rioja; Carmen Martínez; María Somalo, PSOE Health spokesperson in the Parliament of La Rioja and former Health Minister; and Ángel Tomás Godoy, spokesperson for the PSOE in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha.

David García Gomis, María José Verdú, Vox deputy and president of the Health Commission of the Balearic Parliament; and Santiago Morón.

David García Gomis, María José Verdú, Vox deputy and president of the Health Commission of the Balearic Parliament; and Santiago Morón.

Sofía Perea, regional head of Public Affairs at Sanofi; Laure Yvenou, Director of Institutional Relations at Sanofi; and Marta Vázquez, Gilead Government Affairs manager.

María José Ruiz, spokesperson for Vox in the Health and Social Policy Commission of the Regional Assembly of Murcia.

María José Ruiz, spokesperson for Vox in the Health and Social Policy Commission of the Regional Assembly of Murcia.

Elvira Velasco, PP deputy and Second Vice President of the Congressional Health Commission; and Juanma Mayol, Public & Government Affairs Lead at Boehringer Ingelheim.

Victoria Ayala, Director of Government Affairs at Gilead; and Elena Lete.

Victoria Ayala, Director of Government Affairs at Gilead; and Elena Lete.

Víctor Sánchez, head of Public Affairs at Sanofi in the Valencian Community; Raquel Delgado, national director of Public Affairs at Sanofi; Joaquín Moreno; and Sofia Perea.

Víctor Sánchez, head of Public Affairs at Sanofi in the Valencian Community; Raquel Delgado, national director of Public Affairs at Sanofi; Joaquín Moreno; and Sofia Perea.

Beatriz González, Government Affairs Head of Johnson & Johnson; and Juanma Mayol, Public & Government Affairs Lead at Boehringer Ingelheim.

Beatriz González, Government Affairs Head of Johnson & Johnson; and Juanma Mayol.

Óscar López, director of Medical Writing; and Santiago Morón, spokesperson for Vox in the Health Commission of the Cortes of Aragón.

Victor Sanchez; Beatriz González; Laure Yvenou; Montse Tomillero, Head of Public and Government Affairs at Boehringer Ingelheim; and Juanma Mayol.

María José Verdú.

The information published in Medical Writing contains statements, data and declarations from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any questions related to your health, consult your corresponding health specialist.

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