University video contest for health promotion and prevention Dr. Evelia Quiroz already has finalists. Voting begins!

The videos of the finalists will be available on the Instagram of La Web de la Salud from this Saturday, October 19, so that a public vote can be held to choose the winners.

By: Editorial The Health Web

Remember that the contest is aimed at students in the IV semester of the Medicine degree and at students in the III year of the Medical Technology Degree.

He Virofera program Dr. Evelia Quiroz and the Victerus Microfair of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama already has the names of the finalists of the University video contest for health promotion and prevention Dr. Evelia Quiroz (first edition: October, 2024).

The videos of the finalists will be available on the Instagram of The Health Web from this Saturday, October 19, so that a public vote can proceed to choose the winners.

Number of Likes: The video with the most likes on Instagram The Health Web will be the winner of each category, for a total of 3 winners. The videos can be disseminated by media and institutions, as long as the authorship of the videos is maintained.

  • Economic Award: The first three places in each category will each receive the amount of $300, by the National Bank.
  • You will receive a certificate of participation on second and third place in each category
  • Category 1: Viral Hepatitis
  • Category 2: Dengue
  • Category 3: Malaria
  • The delivery ceremony will be held at the close of the Viroferia and Microfair he October 25, at the UP School of Medicine.

Remember that the contest is aimed at students of the IV semester of the Medicine degree and the students of III year of the Medical Technology Career.

This initiative has as general objective enhance the message of promotion, prevention and health care of infectious diseases, hand in hand with the new generations.

This initiative has been made possible by the leadership of the Dr. Oris Lam de Calvodean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama, with the support of Professor Gilberto Eskildsen, coordinator of the Virofair; of the Dr. Dayra Alvárez, coordinator of the Microfair; of the Dr. Ivonne Torres-Atencio, director of the Department of Pharmacology and president of Science in Panama, by Wilyerson Quintero, by the REDES program of the University of Panama (UP), with the support of the Panamanian Society of Epidemiology and Mathematical Modeling (Soepimo) and Science in Panama and sponsorship of National Bank of Panama.

The Health Web is the allied medium of this public health promotion initiative.


The selection of the videos was possible due to the support, enthusiasm and appreciation of the jury members:

Argentina Ying (category, malaria)

Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a specialization in Medical Technology, and a Master’s degree in Science with a specialization in Medical Entomology. Scientist and researcher, she is a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama. His leadership in Bioethics is recognized.

Jean Paul Carrera (dengue category)


PhD in Epidemiology of infectious diseases and viral evolution. Master of Science in Epidemiological Research. Bachelor’s degree in biology with a focus on Microbiology and Parasitology. Affiliated with the Virology and Biotechnology Research Department of the Gorgas Institute.

Sandra Laurence López Vergés (viral hepatitis category)

Graduate in Biology and Biochemistry from the Denis Diderot University, in Paris, with a Master’s degree in Cell Biology and Biochemistry from the same university. PhD at the Cochin Institute, in France. He leads the virology and biotechnology research department at the Gorgas Institute.

The jury selected the three best videos in each category based on the following parameters:

  • Originality and Creativity: Innovation in the presentation of content and creative approach.
  • Message clarity: Effective and understandable communication of the prevention message.
  • Educational Impact: Ability to educate and sensitize the audience about health prevention and promotion
  • Technical Quality: Visual and auditory quality of the video.


Category: Hepatitis

Juan Diego Castillo Watts Medicine career
Liz Romero Medical Technology Career
Dianne Rodríguez, Fátima Ríos and Steven Nie Medicine career

Category: Malaria

Gabriel Romero Medicine career
Kristall De Gracia Liz Romero Laura Coronado Medical Technology Career
Dara Celena Lopez Medicine career

Category: Dengue

Allison Javier, Ileana Jaén and Zuleidies Salazar Medical Technology Career
Daniel Muñoz Campos and Gustavo Chevasco Medicine career
Ildy Ábrego, Carys Baltodano and Lorena Barretto Medicine career

Support for health promotion and prevention

He University video contest for health promotion and prevention Dr. Evelia Quiroz Its specific objectives are:

  1. Stimulate the students to propose and develop their best ideas to support health promotion and thus help the goal of a healthier country.
  2. Involve students in the conceptualization and development of the videos. students of the IV semester of the Medical Career of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama in the context of the Viroferia as well as the III year students of the Medical Technology Career of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Panama in the context of the Microfair.
  3. Involve teachers as academic and scientific tutors in the process of creating audiovisual materials and as jurors for the preselection, together with the invited scientific and medical community.

One of the fundamental objectives is to strengthen the extension work of the University of Panama and his commitment to the community. If these videos contribute to health and health promotion, the major objective will be met.

Congratulations to teachers and students of the Faculty of Medicine for your commitment to health!

By: Editorial The Health Web

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