The Parliament of Navarra demands a plan from Health and avoids asking that the emergencies in Olite be recovered at this time

The plenary session of the Parliament of Navarra approved this Thursday a motion urging the regional Government and the Department of Health to present an operating plan for continued and urgent care for Navarra before the end of the first quarter of 2025, and in case of not submitting it, recover the point of continued care of the basic area of ​​Olite.

Initially, EH Bildu asked to recover the Olite night emergency service, but has finally presented an amendment to its own motion to introduce the request for the operating plan. PSN, EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Contigo-Zurekin have supported the resolution, and UPN, PPN and Vox have voted against it.

UPN has presented an amendment that urged the provincial government to recover the Olite continuous and urgent care point in the afternoon and at night no longer reduce the hours of any other continuous and urgent care point in any town in Navarra. The PP has also presented an amendment, urging Health to recover the afternoon emergency service in the city of Olite. The nationalist formation has not accepted these amendments.

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The EH Bildu parliamentarian Txomin González has stated that the Department of Health “has the obligation to present an operating plan for continued and urgent care, a model that must guarantee quality health care, accessible and with sufficient human resources, and that should not be limited to try to make up for the shortage of professionals by moving from one area to another or plugging a hole to open another. “The model that has to be developed must guarantee that the entire population is served in a timely manner,” he noted.

The UPN parliamentarian Leticia San Martin He has criticized that the Health Department “has decided to cut the afternoon hours” in Olite and “has done so at night and with treachery.” “This closure of the afternoon emergencies is in addition to what was already done in 2019 by the same counselor, Mr. Domínguez. This time the continued and urgent care point is charged directly. They have 700 million more budget – than when UPN was in the Government – and with 700 million more they are offering us cuts in Primary Care. We pay a lot of taxes supposedly to have better services, but if we are going to have worse or the same services, let’s pay like the neighbor,” he stated, to point out that “we want to. that Olite recovers the attention it had in the afternoon and at night.

On the part of the PSN, Maite Esporrin has stated that “we are facing a very complicated situation, in which there is difficulty in having professionals, except for UPN, which seems to have them under its belt.” “In all the Autonomous Communities and in Europe they have the same problem, a difficulty in finding health professionals,” he noted, to assess that EH Bildu’s approach allows there to be “time to analyze the situation and also time to talk.” with the town councils”.

The parliamentarian of Geroa Bai Isabel Aranburu has indicated that the Minister of Health, Fernando Domínguez, “has already made public that he is working on the reorganization plan” of the continued and urgent care points and “this is the action that seems most reasonable and appropriate to us.” “It is evident that there is a need to reflect on the treatment that is being given to emergencies in all the towns of Navarra and based on the results, implement the corresponding measures,” he highlighted.

On the part of the PPN, Irene Royo has demanded that the Olite emergencies be restored in the afternoon and at night, and “we ask for it because it seems fair to us and we see no justification for them to be closed.” After this, he indicated that the “appropriate” thing would be for the preparation of the operating plan for continued and urgent care and the reopening of Olite’s emergencies to be done “in parallel.”

From Contigo-Zurekin, Daniel Lopez has stated that “it is normal” that the reaction of the Olite City Council and nearby municipalities is “opposed” to the closure of the emergencies and has assessed that the EH Bildu motion will allow “answering the unknowns” about this decision and, “if solves them for us, the motion itself contemplates reversing the closure” of the emergencies.

Finally, the Vox spokesperson, Maite Nostihas pointed out that the amendment that EH Bildu has presented to its own motion “gives some breathing room” to the Government. Faced with this, Nosti has given its support to the approach that UPN defended in its amendment. “We are going to stop hiding our heads like the ostrich,” he indicated, expressing his support for recovering emergencies in Olite and not reducing hours at any other point of continued and urgent care.

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