Irekia Eusko Jaurlaritza – Basque Government :: The broad consensus around the diagnosis allows the Basque Health Pact Board to address a second phase dedicated to defining the principles of future healthcare

  • The Minister of Health, who chaired the second meeting of the forum this morning in Donostia, thanked the commitment and contributions of all the agents to continue advancing the process
  • On October 30, a third session will be held to begin the next phase, in which the principles on which the strategies and actions will pivot will be defined to move towards a more proactive, preventive, integrated and community health system.
  • The third phase, corresponding to the strategies, will be articulated around 6 areas of reflection: health and citizen demand; quality and safety; professionals; information; healthcare sector as a creator of value and growth; and modernization of health infrastructures

The broad consensus among the agents participating in the Basque Health Pact Table regarding the diagnosis allows us to address a second phase, which will begin at the meeting called for next October 30 and whose objective is to define the principles on which they will subsequently be based. future strategies and actions, which constitute the 4 phases established to move towards a new paradigm of a more proactive, preventive, integrated and community health system.

The Minister of Health, Alberto Martínez, chaired this morning in Donostia the second meeting of the Basque Health Pact Table, promoted by Lehendakari Imanol Pradales and in which the main social, political and health agents of Euskadi participate, with the goal of articulating the different policies and programs around a comprehensive vision of the health system. health, your present and your future.

In this second work session, which was held in the Biogipuzkoa building in the capital of San Sebastian, there were new additions: the ESK union, the Euskadi Federation of Associations of Relatives and People with Mental Illness (FEDEAFES), the Official College of Opticians and Optometrists, and the SAE nursing technicians union. Agents who join those who take part from the beginning, such as the representatives of the official associations of Doctors, Nursing, Pharmacists, Psychology, Dentists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Biologists and Veterinarians; the political parties EAJ-PNV, PSE, EH Bildu, PP and Sumar; the representatives of the unions with representation on the Osakidetza Sectoral Board (with the exception of ELA, which has refused to attend) LAB, CCOO, UGT, Medical Union and SATSE; the UPV/EHU, Deusto and Mondragon Unibertsitatea universities; as well as Confebask and patient associations.

After a brief greeting from the Health Minister himself, it was the doctor of Medicine and professor of Pharmacology at the UPV/EHU, Javier Meana, coordinator of the work of the Table, who presented the main aspects of the diagnosis which has been enriched by the contributions made by the members of the Board, as highlighted by both speakers. The document analyzes 7 specific aspects: demographic diagnosis; morbidity and mortality; social determinants and lifestyles; healthcare resources and use; social and technological context; economic resources; and citizen experience.

Javier Meana himself has explained that, in addition to the contributions incorporated into the diagnosis, many others have been collected related to phase number 3, the one corresponding to the strategies. Precisely to address them, we have chosen methodologically to distinguish the following 6 areas of reflection:

Health and citizen demand

  • Promote health
  • Respond to needs
  • Assistive devices and specific plans
  • Chronic diseases, chronicity, care for specific groups (the elderly, children, women and mental health)
  • Socio-health care integration
  • Citizen and patient participation
  • Promotion of health prevention and promotion programs

Quality and safety

  • Guarantee service provision at the right place and time
  • Integrated care processes
  • High resolution processes
  • Home care and hospitalization at home
  • Palliative care
  • Quality and patient safety policy
  • Pharmacy practices
  • Guarantee of attention in a timely manner


  • Personnel policy
  • New profiles
  • Governance
  • Professional career development
  • New human resources management framework


  • Develop information systems that facilitate clinical practice and decision making
  • Measurement of health outcomes

Health Sector as a creator of value or engine of economic growth

  • Drive strategies
  • Promote alliances
  • Health cluster development
  • Promotion of international relations
  • Promotion of research, innovation and transfer of results
  • Corporate social responsibility

Modernization of health infrastructures

  • Construction and renovation of health center
  • Technological renewal
  • High resolution centers

In principle, the forecast is that in March 2025 the Basque Health Pactwhose goals are:

  • Secure the universal accessof the entire population, regardless of their socioeconomic situation or place of residence.
  • The improvement of the quality of care, promoting excellence in healthcare.
  • The system sustainabilitythrough measures that ensure its long-term viability.
  • The citizen participationincluding the voice of citizens in decision-making on health policies, based on transparency and dialogue between administration and citizens.
  • The prevention and health promotionby promoting policies that prioritize prevention and promotion of healthy habits, addressing the social determinants of health.

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