Archbishop of Mexico: “Synodality is the lifestyle to face the challenges of our time”

On the morning of this October 2, from the Paul VI Hall, in an atmosphere of reflection and hope, the Card Carlos Aguiar Retes, Archbishop of Mexico and delegate president of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishopson the opening day of the 2nd sessionexpressed the current challenges in evangelization.

Recalling the encyclical “Ecclesiam Suam” of Pope Saint Paul VI, the Cardinal highlighted the need for dialogue between the Church and the modern world to confront the inequalities and social polarizations that affect many countries.

The cardinal expressed, on behalf of the participants in the Synod, his gratitude to the Holy Father Francis for the providential convocation: “In this process we have perceived the growing awakening of the Church to establish Synodality as the proper lifestyle to strengthen the fraternal ties of the great family of God. that makes a pilgrimage towards the House of the Father, as a priority basis to respond satisfactorily to the challenges present in our time.”

Join efforts in a Synodal process

He accentuated the participation of ecclesial sectors and the value of listening to the varied perceptions of the faithful about the evangelizing mission, its needs and the fruits, which he assured, “strengthen, especially the bishops, priests, and pastoral agents to continue our responsibilities with greater enthusiasm and more accurately, and combine efforts in the synodal process.”

The Cardinal quoted the words of Pope Francis in the Apostolic Constitution “The Episcopal Communion” (Episcopalis communio): “The Bishop is at the same time teacher and disciple. He is a teacher when, endowed with special assistance from the Holy Spirit, he announces to the faithful the Word of truth in the name of Christ head and shepherd. But he is also a disciple when, knowing that the Spirit has been given to every baptized person, he listens to the voice of Christ that speaks through all the People of God, making him ‘infallible in credendo’ (Infallibility in believing). ”

And he recalled that “with a great conviction as pastors, we must continue our efforts with the greatest zeal and hope possible, because the inertia of the traditional pyramidal model of exercising ecclesial authority at its different levels continues to remain in a good part of the priests, faithful and even in some of our brother Bishops”, and expressed his confidence in walking together throughout the development of the Synod, “listening to the Word of God and the word of our brothers, and sharing what the Holy Spirit sows within us.”

Hope in the Holy Spirit

The ecclesiastical authority invited us to place firm hope in the assistance of the Holy Spirit “Always remembering that in this earthly life fullness is not achieved, achievements are only encouragement to not faint along the way and persevere to the end.”

Remembering the Encyclical “Spes Salvi” by Pope Benedict XVI, stated: “According to the Christian faith, “redemption,” salvation, is not simply a fact. Salvation is offered to us in the sense that we have been given hope, a reliable hope, thanks to which we can face our present: the present, even if it is a tiring present, can be lived and accepted If it leads towards a goal, if we can be sure of this goal and if this goal is so great that it justifies the effort along the way”.

For a Church that is light

The Card. Carlos Aguiar Retes expressed his confidence in the hope of achieving a fraternal, supportive, subsidiary Church that is a light in the difficult circumstances of our contemporary times.

Taking again the document “The episcopal communion” (Episcopalis communio) he noted: “The Synod of Bishops must increasingly become a privileged instrument to listen to the People of God: «Above all, let us ask the Holy Spirit, for the synod fathers, for the gift of listening: listening to God, until we hear with Him the cry of the people; listen to the people, until breathing in them the will to which God calls us.

With an eye toward the future, Card. Aguiar Retes invited the participants to let themselves be guided by the Holy Spirit, remembering that where they gather in the name of Jesus, He is present: “Let us then let ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit, and experience!How good the Lord is to those who trust in Him! May God the Trinity and the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, be with us!” he concluded.

You may be interested in: Cardinal Mario Grech: “If the Holy Spirit did not have primacy in our work, the purpose of the Synod would be administrative, legal or political, not ecclesial!”

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